Love Letters

The RN186 is decorated by London artist Morag Myerscough for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The colourful arches and totems are covered with words, chosen in collaboration with Courneuviens, seeking to define the identity of the city and change its perception.

The Olympic Games made their appearance in La Courneuve. In recent days, vast multi-colored constructions have been installed between Place Claire-Lacombe and Place de l’Armistice. Two arches, including one 8 meters high, and several totems, echo the tones of the residential buildings overlooking the Quatre-Routes market.

In La Courneuve, its installation extends well beyond the historic heart of the city, all along avenue Jean-Jaurès to the end of rue la Convention. “On the occasion of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, we wanted to dress up the RN186, a utilitarian, functional and busy space, which cuts the territory in two,” explains Mikaël Petitjean, head of the cultural and heritage development unit of the municipality. “We chose this project because the world of Morag Myerscough is stunning and breaks up this urban journey. Its volume and colors correspond to Courneuvian cosmopolitanism, a world city of a hundred nationalities for forty thousand inhabitants.

Myerscough discovered La Courneuve on February 7 2024 during a series of workshops with young residents and families. “It was an important step for her,” explains Mikaël Petitjean. She is interested in the legitimacy of people to live in a place, to follow their journey, which she reflects in her work. She thus took up some of their words and their motifs. » This collaboration allowed her to offer “a delicate cocktail between a work that is very visible in the public space and the highlighting of expressions, values ​​and words that are very coherent in relation to our territory. It will allow us to see an offbeat aspect of the city, to which we are not accustomed. It is surprising, it questions.”

Mairie de La Courneuve



Courneuve Community hosted by “La Maison pour tous” association

La Courneuve

Temporary Installation

Completion date and duration
May 2024 to 2025

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