(Leave) Space for Space

What makes you feel at home somewhere? That question is at the heart of the work (Leave) Space for Space - a temporary meeting place at NDSM, enriched with colourful text boards inspired by and by Amsterdam-Noord. The work is a symbol of exchange and connection, amidst the dynamic developments in both the rapidly changing Amsterdam-Noord and the growing NDSM area. The result is a playful and striking construction with seats, swing benches and mobiles that dance with the wind. A meeting place for everyone, young, old, local, and international.

Inspiration From Amsterdam-Noord — Myerscough is known for her location-specific approach, using typical phrases, words, and visual poems to create a sense of local community, shared identity, and ownership over public space. During workshops, local residents shared their views on Amsterdam-Noord with her. Myerscough translated this input into words and patterns that occupy a prominent place in the installation.

For even more local embedding, the artist is collaborating with spoken-word artist and performer Mahat Arab for “(Leave) Space for Space”. Based on the stories that participants shared during the workshops, he wrote a poem about “belonging”.


Ewa Scheifes

This artwork is made possible with the contributions by
Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten (AFK),
Cultuurfonds, BPD Cultuurfonds, Vriendenloterij Fonds,
de Gemeente Amsterdam, and
sponsoring by Plug Verfgroothandel

Near the Waterfront at the shipyard
Amsterdam Noord

Anything Is Possible

Gert Jan van Rooij
Morag Myerscough

Temporary Installation

Completion date
May 12 2024

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